Vitisom annual meeting

Castello Bonomi

Coccaglio, Franciacorta 20 marzo 2018

Castello Bonomi hosts the annual meeting of VITISOM: at the center of the meeting the progress made by the project about halfway along its path.

From the design to the construction of the 5 variable rate prototypes, up to the field tests and the first experimental harvest. Over 22 thousand people reached through integrated actions of communication, information and education.

The project project monitor and the EASME technical officer participated in the meeting.

The morning session of the meeting focused on sharing the progress of the project, during which all the partners illustrated the results obtained so far.

During the afternoon, a demonstration phase in the field of the prototype in use by Castello Bonomi was followed. This prototype version has the peculiarity of being usable in situations of slopes and counter-slopes thanks to an automatic self-leveling system that allows the machine to move easily in conditions of very difficult maneuvers.

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