The overall objective of LIFE VITISOM is to promote a sustainable vineyard soil management, through the development, testing and scale-up of a cost-effective innovative technology for vineyard organic fertilization.
The variable rate (VRT) is a technology which is actually expanding its application in vineyard; this type of innovation allows infact to manage distributions according to prehexisting images of the vineyard vigor and consequently calibrate the intake of products (e.g. chemical fertilizers) in relation to the real needs of vines. Nevertheless, this technology isn’t today yet known for the organic fertilization in vineyard, although it is already known for field crops. The level of innovation for the distribution of organic matter in vineyard is in fact very low and inefficient, leading to an important waste of resources.
The integration of VRT in this method of distribution will allow to make more efficient the organic fertilization of vineyards at local, regional, national and EU level.
LIFE VITISOM supports the Soil Thematic Strategy, promoting educational activities about soil protection thematic and raising the awareness about physical, chemical and biological soil fertility.
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