The new frontiers of the wine sector

The precision farming in the field

25 march 2019

25 March 2019 - The Castello Bonomi Tenute in Franciacorta winery hosted the conference "The precision farming for organic fertilization of the vineyard: new frontiers for the wine sector", a living lab dedicated to organic fertilization through the use of a technology variable rate. The event organized under the patronage of the Order of Agronomists and Foresters of Brescia, is moderated by Isabella Ghiglieno, project manager of VITISOM LIFE, and introduced Silvano Brescianini, president of the Franciacorta Consortium.

The University of Milan participated, with an in-depth study by Domenico Pessina, professor of agricultural mechanics, Paolo Dosso of the Terradat engineering office (TEAM Group) and by Giovanni Arata of Casella Macchine Agricole, responsible for software development and sensors implemented in distribution system. One of the prototypes that allow the distribution of organic fertilizer according to the need of each individual plant, was the protagonist of the second part of the day with demonstrations of spreading in real time.


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