Sustainable viticulture

Berlucchi hosts the international Agriculture 4.0 conference

Berlucchi continues its path in the world of organic agriculture and sustainable innovation by hosting the Agriculture 4.0 workshop on December 5, the greenhouse gas emissions in the agricultural sector. The meeting, conceived as part of the VITISOM LIFE project of which the company is a partner, has investigated the issue of GHG emissions (greenhouse gases, greenhouse gases) in agriculture in the presence of international speakers.

"The use of organic fertilizer, the only one granted by the bio protocol, allows us to feed the soil in a farsighted way by acting on the ground and not on the plant, as it does the synthesis", says Arturo Ziliani, AD and winemaker Berlucchi. "With the targeted fertilization that we are experimenting in our vineyards we avoid waste and production imbalances: different soils give grapes, and therefore wines, different".

Hanno partecipato Leonardo Valenti, Università degli Studi di Milano, Patricia Laville dell'Insitut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Andrea Pitacco, Luca Tezza e Nadia Vendrame dell'Università degli Studi di Padova, Simona Bosco della Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Iñaki Mendioroz Casallo, project manager Progetto LIFE REGADIOX , Antonio Holgado-Cabrera dell'European Conservation Agriculture Federation, Maite Martínez-Eixarch dell'Institut Recerca I Tecnologia Agroalimentàries de Catalunya, Maria Teresa Pacchioli, e Laura Valli,del progetto Forage4Climate, Ilaria Minardi di West Systems, Marco Tonni di Sata Studio Agronomico e Valentina Orzi dell'Università degli Studi di Milano.

The internal court of Berlucchi hosted the two prototypes already in use in their vineyards

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