Milan, 26 May 2017
VITISOM partner of the "Green Pathways to Sustainable Use of Resourcers" initiative organized by the LIFE BIOREST project to help celebrate the 25th anniversary of the LIFE Program.
You are the projects that have been told to researchers, entrepreneurs and students. The event provides an overview of the LIFE's objectives, strategy, results and success, focusing on disseminating awareness to the public, the scientific community and the industry in the field of environmental protection and responsible use of resources.
(left, top) Fabrizio Adani, Matteo Crovetto, Anna Sandrucci,
Diego Bosco, Giuliana D’Imporzano, Simona Bosco, Isabella Ghiglieno, Ilaria Re
#today @LIFE_Programme open day to celebrate #life25natura #green pathway for sustainable use of resources 6 life project together #biorest
— Consorzio Italbiotec (@Italbiotec) 26 maggio 2017
#gas emissions fight for a more sustainable #agriculture @LIFE_Programme open day #life25natura #ipnoa #dop #forage4climate #gasoff #vitisom
— Consorzio Italbiotec (@Italbiotec) 26 maggio 2017
@LIFE_Programme success through its witnesses #biorest #green pathways to sustainable use of resources #life25natura
— Consorzio Italbiotec (@Italbiotec) 30 aprile 2017
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