Green jobs for a greener future

National Research Council - Research Area

Milan, 9 June 2017

University, Research and Enterprise together to tell the Biotechnology world: Agrofood, Green Chemistry and Eco-Industry.

20 entrepreneurs and scientists tell it to young researchers and students who intend to make their career "green" in all innovation areas. The event organized by the National Research Council, the Consorzio Italbiotec and the Lombardy Green Chemistry Cluster, is partner of the European Green Week #EUGreenWeek, an annual initiative promoted by the European Commission to foster dialogue on EU environmental policies among policy makers, researchers, entrepreneurs from all over Europe and the world. This year's event is devoted to "Green Jobs for a Greener Future" focusing on how EU environmental policies can generate green jobs and contribute to economic, sustainable, and socially responsible growth in the EU.

Isabella Ghiglieno, project manager of VITISOM and Alessandro Perletti, winemaker of Bonomi Castle took part at the event showing VITISOM objectives and strategies.


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