ECOMONDO 2016. The green technologies Expo

Rimini Fiera

Rimini, November 9, 2016

VITISOM presented at the 20th edition of Ecomondo, the most comprehensive international exhibition in the Mediterranean area on the most advanced and sustainable technology solutions for the proper management and recovery of waste, management and exploitation of water, the waste water and polluted sites and marine sectors, efficiency in the use and transformation of the first and second materials and the use of renewable raw materials.

The lines of research and aims of the project were presented by Fulvia Tambone of the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Milan (UNIMI) involved in the project in relation to the monitoring of impacts on the soil, under the his speech "Nitrogen mineralization from digestate in comparison to sewage sludge, compost and urea in a laboratory experiment incubated soil".

The contents of the project LIFE VITISOM (LIFE15 ENV / IT / 000392) fit very well indeed in this context since the experimental provided for the parcels tests includes a comparison between the three different organic matrices currently used in viticulture (manure, compost and solid fraction of the digestate). The results obtained will be useful both on a scientific level to implement the bibliography existing today, both on a practical level to give intructions to growers regarding good soil management practices.

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