The biodiversity beauty in the vineyard

Cantina Valpolicella Negrar

 The biodiversity beauty in the vineyard - cover

The Donne della Vite  in collaboration with BluAgri, promotes an scientific seminar that aims to link the importance of landscape diversity - the theme addressed at Vinitaly 2016 with the Wine & Landscape project - to the biodiversity of viticultural environments. A passage in which the common thread is represented by beauty, landscape and science. VITISOM participates in the event bringing its experience on the subject of biodiversity measurement and reduction of the environmental impact of the vineyard fertilization. The VITISOM research team presented the results of the investigations on the biodiversity of arthropods, through the QBS-ar index functional to the evaluation of the biological quality of the soils. The surveys were made at "point 0" before the start of the first distribution tests using prototypes, in each of the test vineyards identified by the project. These vineyards are all treated by differentiating the parcels to compare different types of organic fertilizer and different types of distribution (surface or incorporated).

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